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exec .cfg on certain maps
I need a way to get certain cfg files to launch only on certain maps, I tried naming the cfg files after the maps, but it didnt work. I need help with that problem
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Kredi Pincher Jul 5, 2016 @ 2:53pm 
Originally posted by Balimbanana:
It worked, thanks!
DaftMink Jul 6, 2016 @ 7:19am 
Last edited by DaftMink; Jul 6, 2016 @ 7:19am
scorp75 Jul 6, 2016 @ 11:22am 
Вот опять бред, малограмотные игроки дают ненужные советы таким же малограмотным игрокам. Ненужно ставить плагины на сервер для изменения конфига карты, для этого уже есть инструмент игры - edt
Этот файл есть почти у любой карты которая работает в синержи. Если нету edt создайте в папке maps
Подробнее написано тут
Если до сих пор не понятно поясняю
в edt есть раздел

В нем пишите все переменные и они будут работать на этой карте
"sk_plr_dmg_crowbar" "500"
"sm_syn_teleplayer" "0"
"mp_flashlight" "1"
"mp_lifecount" "-1"
"sk_barnacle_health" "35"
"sk_barney_health" "35"
"sk_citizen_health" "40"
"sk_combine_s_health" "50"
"sk_combine_guard_health" "70"
"sk_gargantua_health" "500"
"sk_strider_health" "350"
"sk_headcrab_health" "15"
"sk_headcrab_fast_health" "10"
"sk_headcrab_poison_health" "35"
"sk_manhack_health" "25"
"sk_hunter_health" "210"
"sk_helicopter_health" "2400"
"sk_metropolice_health" "40"
"sk_vortigaunt_health" "100"
"sk_zombie_health" "90"
"sk_fastzombie_health" "90"
"sk_zombie_poison_health" "175"
"sk_zombie_soldier_health" "120"
"sk_antlion_health" "30"
"sk_antlion_worker_health" "60"
"sk_antlionguard_health" "500"
"sk_npc_head" "3"
"sk_npc_chest" "1"
и тд

Here again, nonsense, semiliterate players give unwanted advice in the same uneducated players. It is unnecessary to put the plug-ins to the server to change the config card, this is already playing an instrument - edt
This file have almost any card that works in SYNERGY. If there is no edt create maps in a folder
  More is written here
If you are still not clear explain
edt in a section



In it write all the variables and they will work on this map
for example
"sk_plr_dmg_crowbar" "500"
"sm_syn_teleplayer" "0"
"mp_flashlight" "1"
"mp_lifecount" "-1"
"sk_barnacle_health" "35"
"sk_barney_health" "35"
"sk_citizen_health" "40"
"sk_combine_s_health" "50"
"sk_combine_guard_health" "70"
"sk_gargantua_health" "500"
"sk_strider_health" "350"
"sk_headcrab_health" "15"
"sk_headcrab_fast_health" "10"
"sk_headcrab_poison_health" "35"
"sk_manhack_health" "25"
"sk_hunter_health" "210"
"sk_helicopter_health" "2400"
"sk_metropolice_health" "40"
"sk_vortigaunt_health" "100"
"sk_zombie_health" "90"
"sk_fastzombie_health" "90"
"sk_zombie_poison_health" "175"
"sk_zombie_soldier_health" "120"
"sk_antlion_health" "30"
"sk_antlion_worker_health" "60"
"sk_antlionguard_health" "500"
"sk_npc_head" "3"
"sk_npc_chest" "1"
DaftMink Jul 6, 2016 @ 11:43am 
edt's are limited in that only 1 can be executed on a map.
If you mod the offical edt's it means Synergy can't auto apply fixes to those maps.
Some users may like that, but if you want to report map bugs it's best to leave them be.
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Date Posted: Jul 5, 2016 @ 2:06pm
Posts: 4