The Binding of Isaac

The Binding of Isaac

Favorite Character?
Who do you play as the most? I personally prefer Cain.
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I also prefer cain
Cain before D6, Isaac after
Cain is (almost) a secure win, but I much rather play with Judas. I got used to his amped damage and the starting item.
Mine is either Cain or Samson.
My favorite is Judas ^^
Judas Or Cain
Cain for sure :)
Do you guys know that Judas was created after the creator of FEZ ( there's the red hat), who "betrayed" the creator of Binding of Issac in the PAX event?
I actually like Maggy a lot, because picking up the Habit, a fairly common item, makes her very strong defensively, and if you get the Wafer on top of that she's nearly unstoppable. Maggy gets no love though...
Yes Cain before D6, but Isaac after D6. :meaty:
all bout issac
Magdalene :-)
Padalock, Lord of Time & Muffins eredeti hozzászólása:
Maggy gets no love though...
It's true, and it's sad to admit that I'm one of those... but every time I give her a chance I fail horribly lol. Plus I've always favored agility and strength rather than defense.
Judas. I like the high damage early on, but the low hp makes it hard to survive. Also cain is pretty awesome as well.
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Közzétéve: 2013. júl. 14., 16:51
Hozzászólások: 559