

Nico Robin Apr 14, 2014 @ 8:25pm
I have to say i started this game recentely until lvl 5 and the story seems good but there is a HUGE lack in player communication and i heard that coop isnt that important or existant. I really think this game could of been nice but with all the spammers and helplessness i may g o play another game until something changes
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
dreadmoor Apr 15, 2014 @ 4:04am 
At level 5? You haven't even come close to the interactive play yet. You're still in the tutorial! Keep playing. You'll soon be in protector's enclave, in pvp and eventually in team dungeons.
TL;DR: You haven't played long enough yet.
Level 5 in NW. That's like someone in Kindergarten complaining that they haven't been learning enough physics. You'll be level 15 in like 2 days. Ride it out.
Last edited by dreadmoor; Apr 15, 2014 @ 3:51pm
ragnarcarlsen Apr 15, 2014 @ 8:00am 
Join a guild, and ask them to teach you to set up a dedicated guild chat channel, and a party chat. You can filter out all the noise. And that's excluding the use of a voice chat server.
Nico Robin Apr 17, 2014 @ 4:15pm 
ok ok, ill give it antoher shot, its just i hope its as amazing as the videos make it out to be.
It really does seem liek a game worth checking out
Quix Apr 18, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
There are a few things you should keep in mind:
1) Protectors Enclave is filled with trolls, you will see the idiotic "Wow was the first MMO" thing at least 20 times a day. Ignore them, they think they are clever for some reason.
2) You can level from 1 to 60 in about a week or so of simi-casual play without ever grouping with another player.
3) That is perfectly fine because the game starts over and becomes a new game at level 60 anyway and grouping with people become all important at this point.

You see from 1-60 you are leveling and its all about following the story and doing quests. At this point in the game you dont need help from other players to beat any of the solo content in the game. If you want to group with people it will make it faster but is not required. You also don't need to every worry about gear, just equip what you find along the way as there is no real point in buying gear yet.

Once you hit level 60 you stop doing quests for the most part and basically become a new character all over again. Suddenly equipment becomes a very important thing, but dont worry you can go to the AH and buy a full set of blue level 60 gear for next to nothing (normally like 100ad a piece) that will be sufficient to get you started. You will never wear (or identify) green gear again.

Post level 60 play becomes about two things:
1) Doing daily quests in Sharandar and Dread Ring. Do them, every day. You get boons from them and some nice items you cant get otherwise. Its repetative, but worthwhile.
2) Doing Epic dungeons. If you are not in a guild or your guild is not very strong then you will want to start with the T1 dungeions and work on getting set peices and really learning how to play your class (because yes you most likely have been playing it wrong up until now). If you have a good guild they may be able to take you into the T2 dugneons and get your set pieces from there. Either way its all about running epic dungeons with groups from now on.

Edit: Oh also if you enjoyed PVP from level 1-60 you will hate it now. Seriously hate it. You will be getting rolled over with no chance of winning until you start getting better gear.
Last edited by Quix; Apr 18, 2014 @ 1:39pm
Nico Robin Apr 18, 2014 @ 4:38pm 
wow ty for the adivce, ill definately get to tryign the game again
< >
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Date Posted: Apr 14, 2014 @ 8:25pm
Posts: 5