Arma 3
XenoGames48 Jul 30, 2016 @ 10:45pm
War For Tanoa: Looking for people
I make a mini gamemode called map war where 1 player gets to be zues and the other normal soldiers. The objective is to take the whole map. Zues puts down enemies realistacally and rationally and allows the players to either go in by themselves or with ai. Zues can also build bases and dro supplies, etc. im looking for some people who appreciate total warfare and want to do this. I live on PST just add me and we will talk..Note: There are a few mods required like 3.
Last edited by XenoGames48; Jul 30, 2016 @ 10:46pm
Date Posted: Jul 30, 2016 @ 10:45pm
Posts: 0